Sunday 11 October 2009

13. British Potato, Leek and Kentish Cider Soup, and my latest love affair.

October 8, 2009

Well both topics are so exciting, I just don't know what to start on first! *wink*

My love affair. I've begun a love affair. Several weeks, even months, things have been leading up to this- enevitable- passion, but it's officially begun today.

Whats funny (not in the "Ha ha" sense of the word, but as in "curious") is that it's a love affair much like one I had many years ago (over 10yrs. certainly), and it's quite unique and unlike those I've had inbetween.

Today, I fell very much in love with acting, as a process and an art. (Don't hate me for teasing you) It's something to master, and I am so bored with a world full of novices at many things and in want of masters of just one thing... I'm bored with myself! But this program is so wonderful, it's making me think of my business in new fresh ways and giving me something challenging and worthy to strive for.

I'm privileged to share my freshly discovered love with seven other, wonderful, people. The 2 boys and other 6 girls in my MA acting program are so committed to doing the work it takes to really grow this year- without cutting corners and without self deprecation and limits- and they feed and inspire me in my journey. There is not an ounce of competition with each other amongst any of us. Everyone approaches their work with their full heart and mind and attention- without embarassment or "shrinking" back from fear or trying to stay "cool". We've created a safe environment for all of us to fail and play and explore- assured of having support no matter what our outcomes from day to day. And to watch my fellow classmates work is inspiring!

Today we watched .... I must acknowledge how thankful I am. I am so so so unbelievably and incredibly thankful to be here- with these circumstances and at this time in my life.  Ok.

Today we the remaining personal private moments, 1st Objective, exercises. Lara's was one that was incredibly moving- because her entire exercise was for the sake of someone else. Her Action was to make a present for her friend, Liv. Her objective was to cheer her up. And her 3 activities were: 1. to write her a letter 2. to make her tea and slice her fav. cake. 3. to make a poster collage. At stake, was Liv's happiness. It was really simple, and yet very beautiful and moving to watch Lara sit on the floor and cut and paste photos of her friend and herself. Even Terry Fender, our teacher, was v. moved.

Things I learned (or learned again!) in watching my classmates today:
- to let things matter. We're always told in life to chill out and not take things too seriously, but things, especially in a scene, are v. v. important!
- Prep. is best when it uses things which evoke sense memory, like scents, feels, and sounds (music, or perfume, for ex.)
- Presence is not some mystical thing. Presence is being able to take charge of the space, inhabiting it and owning it.
- ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT! We must all get really specific with vivid images and "make friends" with the set design.

I have so much work to do this weekend- mainly consisting of 19th Century Russia research (Uncle Vanya) and memorizing Lady Anne's monologue from Richard III. I feel overwhelmed.

I miss Lieke and Josefine. I don't see how I'll be able to see them this weekend with everything I need to accomplish. Next weekend, however, is Lieke's final weekend in that fantastic "castle" of hers (the family is moving), so we will certainly be having a final scary movie/ sleepover. Did I mention I am spending Easter with them, in the Netherlands?!? Amstradam... I am so excited!

Finally, for the soup. Since I see my money rapidly running out and I am desperatly tryingto save something so I will be able to travel and see some of this country, as well as maybe Scottland, France, the Netherlands and Belgium, I have decided to make soup my standard fare for dinner during the week. It is cheap (about 64-86 pence a can) and easy and quick to make. Also, there are flavors I've never even heard of before, which I am eager to try. The quality is far superior to that of Campbells or Progresso back home (which I can hardly stomach!). Tonight, it was British Potato, Leek and Kentish Soup. While it is delicious, it is also so rich in flavor and cream based, and after a 1/4 of the can, I felt too ill to finish the rest. My fav. part about it were the leeks.

I'm rushing off to jazz- my extra classes are every Thursday night. I would rather be taking tap.

With Love,


  1. I LOVE potato and leek soup, too! =)

  2. WTE, I seriously must get you some filet mignon! I wonder if Omaha Steaks delivers there ;)

  3. Hey Jules! Your commentary on recognizing that things matter and acting on those emotions is completely profound and valuable, and reminds me of the best compliment I got during my time in my product design education. My art teacher told me that though he didn't necessarily understand (nor did he have to) my emotional motivations for my pieces, it was undeniable that I did much better work when I had higher emotional stakes and a story line attached. THANK GAWD for that, because I, completely selfishly, have a much more rewarding time working on things that I throw 110% of my passion into, and the benefactor of my work gets his or her own emotional impact. (It may not be the same as my original motivation, but honestly, if I'm touching someone's heart, does it matter?) It wasn't lost on me that this lesson goes for everything in life, and that the times I have experienced this joy the most (and with the fastest feedback) was when I have been on stage and have tapped into a scene and/or a song. I am so happy that you get to spend an entire year doing this and loving it so much, and it makes me wish so much that I was there to talk to you about them and experience them with you.

    Sending huge hugs, love, Me**

    ps. I love the difference between my reaction and Ari's reaction. ;) :)

  4. Juliana!!! Its your cousin Julia! dude I have missed the heck out of you!! lol! I havent talked to you in forever. But im so glad that you are doing well! My school isnt as bad as I thought it would be. You know its not bad, but its not the best place in the world ether. I told you in a letter about the 3 people I know (well actually 4) that I sit with and hang out with (Tama, Irene, Tessa, and the other Kayla) They are all doing good but the other Kayla is worrying me. She seems to have a LOT of family problems from what she's told me. Will get into greater detail about that when I can. REALLY, REALLY, and seriously hope we can see you when christmas rolls around. We all miss you! please call me when you get the chance. I'd LOVE talking to you again but I know you've been busy with school as well. Talk to you soon I hope! I love you sis! soooooo very much! XOXO!
