Sunday 22 November 2009

14. This Happy Breed, and a moment to breathe!

November 22, 2009

I've been complete rubbish at keeping up my blog, and I want to apologize. I am so sorry, dear friends and readers, that I am only now updating you since my year at GSA has begun. It's inexcusable really, except to say that aside from classes, homework, eating, bathing and sleeping, I haven't had time for much else.  *sigh* It is, however, a wonderful way to be busy!

The things I am learning! But I'm getting ahead of myself. First, I must talk about my wonderful new friends and classmates- Ros, Kelly, Pamela, Charlotte, Lara, Alex and Toby. These 7 people are constant companions and support systems and creative inspiration in my life. We see each other Monday thru Friday, every day from 9am til 6pm- all day long- and then most weekends... at least one of the two days. And... rather than growing sick of each other we are actually growing more fond. Each of them are unique and sensational and kind and generous and thoughtful and funny and smart and ambitious and hard working (I could go on), and most importantly, secure in themselves. There is no competition here. There is no pettiness. It's a safe, fun, dedicated and supportive group of people- who also happen to be "v. v. talented" (name THAT quote, dear readers! *horrified*).

Our classes and faculty are equally wonderful and it's really difficult for me to keep from gushing in this entire blog. Highlights in my week are our "Acting for the Camera" class (3hrs. on Monday afternoons) with a goddess named Julia Carrey (and in which we will be doing a short film on HD at the end of the year... leaning towards a period piece), "Radio"- in which we do radio plays and monologue and scene work with a true pro, "Voice and Text" with the wonderful Sarah, who teaches in such an encouraging and enlightening way and our "Applied Skills" class- where throughout the year we rehearse play projects and work with accomplished directors. Currently, we are in the middle of Uncle Vanya, and I am sharing the role of Yelena... a character I absolutely love! We only have a few more rehearsals and have our show on Tuesday, Dec. 8- EEK! What's really cool about this class is that all the things we've been working hard on in our other classes, we are able to incorporate into our character work- elements (fire, water, air, earth) from Physical acting, speech, accent (RP- I've been told by 3 of my 3 voice teachers that my RP is nearly perfect, and that if they didn't know I was American, they would be fooled by it- YES!), primative voice... and several others. Even our historical dance class (where we began in Medieaval Times and are now approaching the 19th Century) has been helpful in our Vanya work. As for my work on Yelena, I'm having a ball and finding new ways of working and approaching character and text through a series of exercises and character profiling. I love and connect to Yelena's character, which is so important because we are unable to play a character that we judge in any way. I am also learning the importance of historical and regional research when taking on a play. We were given a research project when we began rehearsals, and I myself was assigned Russia's Social life, transportation, food and Family life. Photos have also proven to be very helpful in preparation for character work.

We place a lot of importance on preparation in our work in our acting class each week as well. I'm learning that without a strong preparation- whether it is a physical preparation where one alters one's physical state of being to be out of the "normal", or emotional prep, where one might look at meaningful photos or  remember an specific moment, or mental prep, where one relies heavily on imagination, it is impossible to begin and to even hope to live truthfully without investing this time and energy. I'm learning that my imagination is stronger than I give it credit for being. I'm learning how to approach process, without leaping to "arrival". I'm learning so much!

Outside of school, I've had a flourishing social life! My GSA friends and I see each other often- frequently having movie nights or cooking dinner with "bottles" (lateral plosion, in RP, please) of red wine... training into London to see theatre or meet each other's friends and boyfriends/ girlfriends... the occasional shopping spree at Primark (like Target but even cheaper and cuter!!! I know, ridiculous!)... I also have managed to continue spending time with Lieke and Josefina, although not as much as I used to or would like to spend with them. I miss them! We baked a cake a couple weeks ago and decorated it with Barbie pink frosting and little pearly beads and things. We are also still planning our trip to the Netherlands over Easter, and I couldnt be more excited to see Amstradam (with, hopefully, a side trip to Belgium so I can see my fav. little girls- Emma and Britt- who I nannied in NY earlier this year). Also, I have begun giving Lieke voice lessons, and we are aiming to get her ready for her musical theatre audition in the Netherlands this Spring. Ros is also about to start studying with me, and I'm happy to have another student!

Tegan and I have been going to church at Eternity Church, which is help every Sunday at 10:15am at the Electric Theatre- happily about a 10min walk from mine. ("from mine" "at mine" "Come to mine" See you at yours".... this is the English way, rather than, "from my place"- point of interest.). Everyone is very friendly, the elders of the church make a point to get to know everyone in the congregation, they have a kick a*s band and great messages, there is always decent coffee and sweets... and once a month they have "refuel" groups who meet and have dinner at someone's home. Last night Tegan and I went to the music ministry leader, Charlie's, place (correct grammer? incorrect? correct spelling even? oh goodness- Mrs. Stonehill if you read this, I do apologize!). We had a ball hanging out, getting to know people better, playing piano a bit, playing charades... because what is a church party without charades? HA. I am so happy to have found a great church here in Guildford, and I should like to get more involved.

I saw my flatmate, Tom, in the 3rd yr. play, "This Happy Breed" (Noel Coward) yesterday matinee. It was better than my measly choice of words could credit it for. I was floored! and we were all inspired! I'm hopeful that, although they've had 2 years to this point, when our MA class leaves, we will be at that level. It could have been on Broadway. Each actor was believable. And it's a v. v. moving play.

Big News in my life! *drum roll please* I'm going to Paris this weekend!!! My friend Patty is there for a couple weeks with her friend Janelle, and they have invited me to come and stay in their big beautiful Parisian Hotel- I only wish I could go for longer that a weekend! Besides the obvious wonderfulness of this traveling to one of the world's more romantic and beautiful cities for the v. first time in my life, it's extra special that I'll be seeing it with my friend Patty- because we've been saying we would travel Europe together since we first became friends... about 7yrs. ago (holy moly, 7yrs!). :) :) :)  I am certain I will return to Paris again for a lengthy stay next year, so I'm not so concerned with all of the tourist sites this visit. I just want to sit in little cafes with chocolate croissants and sip strong coffee while people watching my afternoons away! *grin* I will share stories when I return!

I have to now sign off and read Howard Barker's Uncle Vanya. I don't have to read it, but I'm delighted to be making the time to read it- as it's quite shocking and appalling and so different from Chekhov's version.

So long for now,  and thank you for not giving up on me in the long hiatus!

With Love,


Sunday 11 October 2009

13. British Potato, Leek and Kentish Cider Soup, and my latest love affair.

October 8, 2009

Well both topics are so exciting, I just don't know what to start on first! *wink*

My love affair. I've begun a love affair. Several weeks, even months, things have been leading up to this- enevitable- passion, but it's officially begun today.

Whats funny (not in the "Ha ha" sense of the word, but as in "curious") is that it's a love affair much like one I had many years ago (over 10yrs. certainly), and it's quite unique and unlike those I've had inbetween.

Today, I fell very much in love with acting, as a process and an art. (Don't hate me for teasing you) It's something to master, and I am so bored with a world full of novices at many things and in want of masters of just one thing... I'm bored with myself! But this program is so wonderful, it's making me think of my business in new fresh ways and giving me something challenging and worthy to strive for.

I'm privileged to share my freshly discovered love with seven other, wonderful, people. The 2 boys and other 6 girls in my MA acting program are so committed to doing the work it takes to really grow this year- without cutting corners and without self deprecation and limits- and they feed and inspire me in my journey. There is not an ounce of competition with each other amongst any of us. Everyone approaches their work with their full heart and mind and attention- without embarassment or "shrinking" back from fear or trying to stay "cool". We've created a safe environment for all of us to fail and play and explore- assured of having support no matter what our outcomes from day to day. And to watch my fellow classmates work is inspiring!

Today we watched .... I must acknowledge how thankful I am. I am so so so unbelievably and incredibly thankful to be here- with these circumstances and at this time in my life.  Ok.

Today we the remaining personal private moments, 1st Objective, exercises. Lara's was one that was incredibly moving- because her entire exercise was for the sake of someone else. Her Action was to make a present for her friend, Liv. Her objective was to cheer her up. And her 3 activities were: 1. to write her a letter 2. to make her tea and slice her fav. cake. 3. to make a poster collage. At stake, was Liv's happiness. It was really simple, and yet very beautiful and moving to watch Lara sit on the floor and cut and paste photos of her friend and herself. Even Terry Fender, our teacher, was v. moved.

Things I learned (or learned again!) in watching my classmates today:
- to let things matter. We're always told in life to chill out and not take things too seriously, but things, especially in a scene, are v. v. important!
- Prep. is best when it uses things which evoke sense memory, like scents, feels, and sounds (music, or perfume, for ex.)
- Presence is not some mystical thing. Presence is being able to take charge of the space, inhabiting it and owning it.
- ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT! We must all get really specific with vivid images and "make friends" with the set design.

I have so much work to do this weekend- mainly consisting of 19th Century Russia research (Uncle Vanya) and memorizing Lady Anne's monologue from Richard III. I feel overwhelmed.

I miss Lieke and Josefine. I don't see how I'll be able to see them this weekend with everything I need to accomplish. Next weekend, however, is Lieke's final weekend in that fantastic "castle" of hers (the family is moving), so we will certainly be having a final scary movie/ sleepover. Did I mention I am spending Easter with them, in the Netherlands?!? Amstradam... I am so excited!

Finally, for the soup. Since I see my money rapidly running out and I am desperatly tryingto save something so I will be able to travel and see some of this country, as well as maybe Scottland, France, the Netherlands and Belgium, I have decided to make soup my standard fare for dinner during the week. It is cheap (about 64-86 pence a can) and easy and quick to make. Also, there are flavors I've never even heard of before, which I am eager to try. The quality is far superior to that of Campbells or Progresso back home (which I can hardly stomach!). Tonight, it was British Potato, Leek and Kentish Soup. While it is delicious, it is also so rich in flavor and cream based, and after a 1/4 of the can, I felt too ill to finish the rest. My fav. part about it were the leeks.

I'm rushing off to jazz- my extra classes are every Thursday night. I would rather be taking tap.

With Love,

Wednesday 7 October 2009

12. "Can you even dye my eyes to match my gown?...Jolly good town!"

September 27, 2009

I adore The Wizard of OZ- with all my heart. It's hands down my favorite movie, and if I ever say it isn't it will only be because I'm "self-protecting" from melancholy feelings resulting from obsessing over the wonderful memories I have from doing the show twice- and how much I miss it!

I had a sleepover with my au pair friends, Lieke and Josefina, last night. We stayed at Lieke's house because it is almost as big and beautiful as a castle- built roughly 100yrs. ago and designed to look even older that that! I would LOVE to live in this house, have children and an au pair of my own... but at over 5,000 pounds/month, it's not looking likely in my near future. Wow.

Lieke and I met up at 7pm. She made a traditional Dutch dinner for me- which was delicious! "Hete bliksem" (translated to "Hot Lightning" in English!) is one of the many Dutch meals where all 3 dishes are smashed into one. This particular dish contains apples, potatos and minced meat- a combination which may or may not sound appealing to you, but trust me... it's phenomenal! It doesn't need anything more than a little pepper (cooked into it), it's cheap and easy to make... it serves several... and I must learn how to make it. For dessert, which was even better, we had ultra thin dutch pancakes (v. like crepes!)

.... Eventually, it was time to get into our pjs and walk to meet Josefina half way- since she lives about a 20min walk from Lieke, and at 11pm it's very dark and a little scary (still safe, just those old English houses can really creep you out!) Lieke and I looked ridiculous in our pajamas (mine are red and white pinstripes and satin!) and sweatshirts (with hoods!) and boots. We couldnt help but giggle at ourselves almost the entire time. Of all crazy things, we ran into 2 young guys heading to town for a drink, and... it must have been REEEAAALLY dark!!!... they asked us for directions... and then for our phone numbers! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? We looked ridiculous, and this made us laugh even harder for the rest of our walk!

We watched a scary movie when we got back, and then we were up til 3am chatting (as girly sleepovers can go!). The next morning was phenomenal. We watched The Wizard of OZ while we ate breakfast. In addition to it being one of my favorite movies and a lovely thing for an enjoyable, lazy Sunday afternoon, Josefina had never seen it! Watching it for the first time with someone who has no idea what it's about (or even that Somewhere Over the Rainbow is from this movie!) is magical. She was like a child- completely wide eyed and awestruck by it's magic. She audibly gasped at the Wicked Witch and cried when Dorothy leaves OZ... laughed at the lion... it was SO enjoyable watching her take it all in. I have a special love for it to begin with, so I ended up crying along with her (and more than she was crying!) at the end. Beautiful film.

We spent the rest of Sunday journeying along the river Thames to Daptunes Wharf- where we had full cream ice cream (stem ginger is divine!) and enjoying the sunshine. We also happened to discover an area called "Woodbridge Meadows" on the way back- where there are intricate wood carvings of animals and faces carved into trees. We had fun exploring it and took several pictures!

I'm off. I have so much to prepare for school! My aplogies for the abrupt ending to this entry.

With Love,

Friday 25 September 2009

11. Content.

September 25, 2009

I'm very happy. Today was a really great day. I ran into Charlotte in town (after my post office run to mail a letter to my dad and a bday card to my nephew, Christian!) at WH Smiths- which is a store hard to describe because it seems like a fancy office supply but they carry so many other things too- as we were both looking for folders/ organizers for our classes and paperwork. We settled on the same pink accordian file (but a really sturdy, nice one) that we can slip our journals and individual notebooks into, and we got a pad of writing paper as well. I also bought a chocolate bar Charlotte reccommended to me, and I've decided that once a week, I will taste a new kind of English chocolate. It is FAR superior to American chocolate. Hersheys is inedible. Period.

I read some of Uncle Vanya because, already, I'm swamped with assignments for school:
- memorize a sonnet (116, of course)
- memorize Shakespeare monologue
- read Uncle Vanya (by Friday)
- personal private moment with objective and 3 activities (which is due Thursday- I volunteered to go first. I'm out of my mind)
- book called "Arguements for the Theatre" by Harold Barker, to be read within 2 weeks.


I am enjoying Uncle Vanya immensely, yet I worry about the women constantly bursting into tears- with not much of a "wind up" into that emotional state. I wonder how succesful I would be at playing one of these women at this time in my life and journey vs how well I will hopefully be playing them towards the end of my year here.

This afternoon I had my "assessment" with Terrie and Martin. It was wonderful! I was a little nervous, but everyone kept coming out and saying they were so supportive and wonderful... And it's true! They didnt tell me anything about what they think I should work on this year or how I fell short in any way during our workshops this week. Instead, they were warm and welcoming and genuinely interested in how I'm doing, so far away from home and in this new program. They laughed at my confession that the grocery store (bagging your own, paying for these bags) causes me much stress. They asked me what credits I have on my resume, and Martin was extremely impressed with Millie. He mentioned how he realizes Broadway is much more "fierce" and competive than even the West End. (a side note about Millie. The more I think about that experience, the more I LONG to have another like it- 8 shows/wk. for a year at a time! It was a v. v. special experience and privilege to be in that show- at such a profesional level and with such an important role- and I regret not treasuring it or valuing it more than I did at the time. I would value it so so so much more now. I will be ready and aware next opportunity I get). Terrie told me my sheet (they had us fill out questionaires about being in the MA program, our primary goals and what we precieve as our strengths and weaknesses) had very honest answers on it- with a lot of thought put into them- and how much they appreciate my honesty. She also told me she is confident that this program- if I follow it whole-heartedly for the year- is going to provide the means for me to accomplish those goals. She really believes it works. And I really believe her.

She urged me to talk to her ANYtime I feel homesick or like the cultural difference is so huge it's overwhelming me or inhibiting my work. She told me she understands I'm far from "home" and wants me to come to her with anything I need at any time.

It was a very lovely meeting. I got a real sense of genuine love and caring for their students from both Terrie and Martin. I think I gained some respect in my answers to their questions. I felt proud of myself for the small victory of telling the truth on my form- and for Terrie's recognition of it. A truth about my fears and weaknesses and strengths...things which are sometimes concealed to impress those I work with or who have prof. relationships with me. Our talk ultimately made me feel more ready than ever to begin diving into my "transformation" and journey.

My friend Kelly, another MA Acting major, met me after my assessment and we came back "to mine" (as the English say, "to mine" or "to yours") and we had some chocolate and champagne and music while we got ready for our Friends of GSA event. It was really great spending time with Kelly one on one. I like her a lot, and I learned a lot more about her too. Charlotte and Tegan ended up joining us, and the 4 of us soon left for dinner at Wagamama before heading to the Guild Hall. A word about Wagamama. Wagamama is an English chain which serves fairly affordable food (huge portions and relatively inexpensive... also free green tea!) and it's delicious! It's actually one of the places my agent Harry reccommended to me for my year here, and tonight was my first time having it. I loved it. Sadly, I will NOT Be eating here (or anywhere else) frequently, as I need to save every penny I can to survive this year. I've even started picking up pennys on the street!

The friends of GSA event was nice. We had unlimited free wine- and the red was very good. There was food (shoot! we should have just eate THERE!) and  tons of patrons of GSA who were lovely people with generous, helpful spirits. The man in charge, who I intend on keeping in touch with, is an actor and director as well. He had lunch with people at The Really Useful Group (Andrew L. Webber's company) today, and he mentioned how the next project for reality tv/ casting here in England is The Wizard of OZ- a search for Dorothy. MY HEART MAY HAVE ACTUALLY STOPPED BEATING. They are also searching for Toto. To play Dorothy in the West End production would be one of the more fullfilling and deeply satisfying, special moments of my life. I LOVE that role! I LOVE that show! I love Toto! And I'm firly certain I could book this part. I must get in touch with Jan at the Really Useful group, ASAP and find out more details. (I know what you are all thinking, btw. You don't want me staying here any longer than this year, right? Well no need to panic right away- it's quite a long shot from many angles, and I will not be lost to England forever. Afterall- "There's no place like home" *wink/ grin*

At the Friends of GSA event, I was also blessed enough to meet a wonderful wonderful man (who will be my teacher in 2 diff. classes), Ian Ricketts. Ian Ricketts, I've known about since before I even auditioned for GSA- as Michael Klesic (former GSA MA) sang his praises to me when I first heard of the school. Ian is old. He resembles Yoda is every way. He is also apparently life- changing. And he is one of the warmest, most wise and giving people I've ever met. He is FULL of JOY, and he gives 100% of his joy and wisdom and love of life to every person he meets and speaks with. I told him what an honor it was to meet him and how I can't wait to take his classes (and his nature walk- which will have to wait for another blog in itself!), and he told me it was an honor for him to meet me!!! He is one of those people who truly make the world a much better place and who contribute to it in large ways. I am feeling lucky to be one of his students and a student blessed enough to have crossed paths with him in this world. We spoke a bit, and he touched my arm the whole time. He told me Michael is "a highly intelligent young man and truly humble" and asked that I send him his "sincerest, well wishes and warm hello". I will pass that along. :)

After the GSA friends event, I went out with my classmates to a place refered to as "Spoons" but thats short for the real name of the place- which I can't remember right now. It's a restaurant by day and a bar/ club by night. It's like any other American club I've ever been to- loud, hot, disco ball, jam packed with people... it's not a scene I enjoy. However, I did enjoy my time tonight- and I even danced some. My classmates are such lovely people to spend time with, and I'm glad I made the decision to stay out with them for several hours- despite being tired and having sore feet and not having money to drink anything more than water. I think we bonded more tonight, and it made me happy to get to know people on a different level. It was socially important.

Several people paid me high compliments tonight- mostly about how "fit" they think I am (fit = hot). These comments all made me feel very very good, of course, but I must be honest... I really truly found everyone beautiful tonight. It was great seeing people outside of their "blacks" and in cute dresses, heels, suits and ties. The men looked handsome. The girls looked beautiful. I chose to wear a strapless black dress with white accent on top and a buckly around the rib cage, along with my red Steve Madden heels. (the English dont know Steve Madden OR BCBG- can you believe it??!?). My eys were neutral and my lips were red. Very red. *smile* Loved the excuse to dress up and can't remember when the time before this last was.

People also consistantly told me how I'm a Disney princess- Belle come to life from her animated form, soft spoken.... what else? I present myself very well... *UGH UGH UGH!* *BLAH BLAH BLECK* I have decided- I HATE being refered to as a Disney princess. I used to take so much pleasure and pride in it, but I now want this school to "beat it out of me," because I want to have immense depth and be in film and tv. However, if I MUST be a Disney princess in some eyes, I am v. happy to be Belle.

Kelly and I left the club together about an hour ago. Our feet were in SO much pain from these high heels all night that she took hers off the moment we stepped outside. Eveny without her shoes on, she still hobbling! And I wasnt far behind w that! To think I used to wear heels every day- all day- of my Los Angeles life... and now I can't bear a few hours....! I'll have to build up my tollerance again.

I'm falling asleep as I type. No joke. I keep dozing and catching myself and I'm uncertain that any of this even makes sense anymore. It will be a great feat to walk into the loo to take the makeup off my face and brush my teeth.


Good night, dear readers. Sleep well!

With Love,

Wednesday 23 September 2009

10. My Acting Journal- "Compulsory"

September 23, 2009

Today was a very full day- as we spent the majority of our time piecing together our 3 individual group sections of our Greek story of Odysseus the Hero- and tensions rose very quickly without a "director" to take control. We actually worked quite well as a group without a leader... not too much talking over each other and we accomplished a lot, despite the extra amount of time wasted at each decision making crossroads.  Our final product was fluid and imaginative, and our teachers seemed pleased with our presentation. I don't desire to explore that process again in the near future, but I am proud of us for rising to the occasion in a creative and expressive way.

We also presented our Haiku poems today. Although I wrote several, I chose the following:

"I'm in England- Whooo!
I'll have a drink in a pub
then have tea and scones"

-the last line was delivered, of course, in my best English accent, and I'm proud of myself for getting away with "Whooo!" as one of my 5 opening syllables. *grin*

...ok, if I'm being honest, it actually read, "I'll go get drunk in a pub" on that second line.

And we had to act them... so I placed myself in the middle of London- getting out of my cab with my suitcases and seeing the Towering Big Ben ahead of me. It went over well, but most everyone had great ones, so it's not a great accomplishment!

Terri encouraged us to begin an acting journal tonight- about what we've learned and how we have grown over the past 3 days. She also requested that it include a "manifesto" of sorts- an outline of what we want our working environment to be be throughout the year and how we think our peers should treat us and each other...  in order to have the most productive class time possible- maximizing our growth in this very brief year.  I will do my best to come up with something appropriate.

Mission Statement for Juliana Hansen- MA Actor, 2009/ 2010

Over my first 3 days as a student at GSA, I've learned many important lessons, both individually and as a group, which I will try to carry with me throughout my year here. The most important are bravery, committment and focused, energized team work.

Bravery is something I've always struggled with in my acting. I'll be "brave" only so far as my comfort zone, and then I tend to want to avoid other areas. This week I made the choice to face each given exercise, assignment, task, moment in class boldly- without any excuses or apologies. I was faced with everything from jumping rope (a sport which has always terrified me) to writing and performing my own Haiku poem (which, typically, I'd have worried about making the best choices, being "good" or funny or something!) to walking into a room and introducing myself (to be "judged" and feel "judged"- like walking into an audition room... I even volunteered to do this!). I didn't once freak out about any part of these or any other assignments, and only once did I ask a friend if I'd done well in fulfilling the assignment or embarrassing myself. *laugh* That's a huge deal for me! Not only did I complete assigned assignments, but I also volunteered for non-compusory (or mandatory, for you Americans) activities- because I want my experience this year to be as full and rich as it can possibly be! I learned from my bravery. I learned that nothing is as bad as not trying- even failing at jumping rope was more exciting and more of an acoomplishment than if I had sat it out! I learned that in most cases, I ENJOYED what I had been fearing. I will do my v. best to continue the application of this lesson I've learned when facing anything and everything this year.

Commitment may seem very much the same as bravery, and they do go hand in hand. However, commitment takes bravery a step further. I learned that bravery takes you to the "doing place," but one needs commitment to "do again, and better." Commitment makes no guarentees- I can commit to my jumping rope but never successfully get in a jump.  What commitment does give is an imense opportunity for growth. This week I've been committed to doing every given task and exercise without questioning why or doubting the effect it will have on me. I have just jumped in head first- detatching myself from all judgement or pre-conceived notions of what it may or may not be. This has served me so much in the last 3 days. I've learned so much- especially in the times I began an activity uncertain if I would like it- or if I even understood it, as was the case sometimes- but once I began just DOING it, 99% of the time was heavily impacted by it- and in some cases, loved it! I had to commit this week to my classmates as well- commit my time and prove to be reliable as a partner in this journey. I commited to giving them- and myself- my all.

Lastly, I learned so much from working as a group- especially in the times of no "director" to voice answers or structure at us. I learned the importance of listening to each other in a focused, highly energized way, but also how to delicately balance my listening with boldness to make suggestions when we needed contribution to the whole. We were very fortunate to have warmth and support for each other from the start- something many groups need to work to obtain. We encouraged each other to do our best. No one was catty or judgemental. As the year progresses and our work gets more and more difficult, I hope we can hold on to this advantage we've found. We found a boldness within our group- not once did a teacher have to call on us to do anything because someone was always willing to volunteer and try. Lastly, we learned the importance of compromise as we were faced with making decisions about constructing an entire performance piece, without the difinitive voice of a director. Compromise not only allows time to be used efficently and for decisions to be made, but it also sometimes helps us find creative avenues to explore- which otherwise we would not have tried- which sometimes, if not frequently, expand the vision of the project and produce a better result.

It is my sincere hope- and plea- that my classmates and I will be able to remember these important lessons which we've learned these past 3 days and continue to apply them to every opportunity and every challenge we face during our our time at GSA. I hope every class and collaboration will be met with kindness, support, non-judgement/ acceptance, contribution, energized listening, time management, commitment and, above all, courage to boldly try and try and try again. In accomplishing this environment, we will all grow and learn so much.


Well, there you have it. I hope it wasn't too boring or abstract.  It's so difficult to summerize hours and hours of work and discovery!

Tomorrow we split apart from the MAMTs and work all day with Terri. I can't wait to begin finding our own group energy togther- with only the 9 of us. I think we have some special people and expect to grow close to several of them.

It's getting more and more exciting... and I'm so tired!

With Love and a desire to go to bed,

Tuesday 22 September 2009

9. Theatre games and frozen pizza.

September 21, 2009

It's done. My first day as an MA Actor is over and done with, and it was quite successful in multiple ways.

The day began in a lecture hall at the Uni. But first...

 When I woke this morning at 7am, I showered, dressed and had breakfast downstairs while reading my book of Proverbs mom gave me before I left LA. I was very nervous about the day and very anxious about it becoming another "CCM experience," so it was v. important for me to take some time to connect with our creator and provider and caretaker, before officially heading into the year.

 Pamela had promised to knock on my door on her way to campus, so we could walk together. After my reading, and while waiting for her to arrive, I decided to do sit-ups for the first time in about 2 months; mi goodness I was weak! Luckily, she saved me about 4 push-ups in, but I won't be so lucky tomorrow.  We joined the other MAs at the top (back rows) of the seating and sat for the next hour listening to the wonderful Peter Barlow, director of GSA (and also my "angel" in making this possible for me) spoke to us about goals for this year- discovering what makes each of us "tick," taking every opportunity to explore our talents, not only discovering who we are (most people do this through their relationships or define themselves by their professions), but also challenging us to begin to make a contribution to the "whole"- our class and the arts and the world. He urged us to practice intensely, giving us impressive statistics about people who spend genuine time outside of their "learning time" vs people who rarely practice, and how those who practice, regardless of either groups natural ability, succeed in much greater capacities. What struck me the most about Peter's talk to us was the idea that what distinguishes one is not how talented one is, but how much one practices and how hard one works. His talk was inspiring and a little daunting. One thing was very evident. He is a good man who really cares about his students. He stressed how GSA is a safe environment for us all to try, to fail, to grow, to explore and to give ourselves fully in this year. He then introduced us to the faculty, and I feel like I will never remember all their names or positions; there are so many of them!

After his talk, the MAs were dismissed to our workshops- held at GSA buildings. On our walk out of the room, Peter stopped me to say hello and the next thing I knew, we were giving each other a big hug, unclear as to who initiated it. He was so welcoming and sincere and kind as he looked at me and said, "what a journey you've had" with a smile on his face. I thanked him and made sure to tell him how happy I am to be here and how much I love it so far. I thanked him for helping me make this possible. He then told me he is going to New York in October and asked me to let him know if there is anything I need for him to pick up for me and bring back. How incredibly sweet he is! It felt really good getting such a nice, public welcome from the director of the school- and I think those who saw were quite impressed that he took this time he did with me. It made me feel very blessed and I think it was a direct answer to my  prayers from the morning. I felt it was a little sign that everything is going to not only be ok but also support and encourage my personal and professional growth this year- in huge ways. *sigh of relief*

We spent the remainder of our day at GSA studios, with the MA MTs. Terri Fender, head of MA studies and acting, spoke to us for a long while, encouraging us to face every moment of this year with bravery. She stressed the importance of the following 4 areas:

Curiousity- encouraging us to read papers and books and to ask questions, rather the accept the 1st east answer we're given about things. This "Wanting to Know"- about people, relationships, circumstances, boundaries, ideas, politics, motives, communication, and everything else life has to offer is critical for actors.

Commitment- A commitment to the individual and ensemble aspects of our work. She encouraged us to be willing to let go of things we've been holding onto for years, not intellectualize everything or anything and to apply every technique or exercise given to us without judgement or detachment or any sort of "wait and see what this does for me" attitude. We learn by doing- even when we're asked to do odd things.

Discipline- Striving for ENERGIZED concentration and attitudes- both in our own work and in our observation of the work of others. Also, being prompt and making being in every class a priority- for the sake of our classmates and ourselves. She stressed that without discipline, there can be no freedom and there can be no art. It's just a mess. I found that profound.

and lastly but not least...

Sense of Humor- "Take the work, not myself, seriously!" This was one of the most freeing things she said to us: We are allowed to risk and fail on a grand scale. She wants us to test the boundaries and try things we've never dared to try. Be courageous! ***Without willingness to fail, there can be no growth- only obedience, which is V. different from discipline.*** "Fail and then fail again...bigger!" Often the biggest growth comes out of the biggest failures.

*deep breaths* I long to fail and achieve growth and insight! I hope and will strive for being so courageous! She, like Peter Barlow, seems like a wonderful person who genuinely cares about her students- so unlike past school experiences and teachers I've had.

We spent the remainder of the day with Martin- who is in charge of musical theatre studies and was once a big time musical theatre director (Les Mis with Cameron Macintosh). Martin played several theatre games with us including:

1. walking around the room on our own paths, then acknowledging those we pass, then "stalking" someone discreetly, avoiding someone secretly and at one point, having to walk on a grid- straight lines only- without running into each other.

2. zip! zap! boing!- using out fingers are "light saber beams" to zip people (next to us) and zap people (anyone else in the circle) at lightning speed- focusing on being clear in our intentions and quick in reflexes and spontaneity. I was terrible at this game and was the first to sit out for not reacting quickly enough!

3. circle singing- he taught us a short little folk song. We then had to sing, passing it around the circle, each person singing only one word at a time, while keeping the tempo and feel of the song consistent- as if we were all one unit, like a well oiled machine. People had a very difficult time with this one, although it came very easily for me.

4. trust exercise- he split us into 4 groups of 7 people and  had us take turns in the center of the circle, eyes closed, trusting that no matter which direction we fell, our group would catch us.  The circle widens as time passes- making our "falls" a greater distance and trust a bigger, more difficult task. There was something very freeing and pleasurable about being in the center. I liked the relaxed sensation of being gently passed from person to person as I swayed effortlessly in their hands. It was, however, very difficult when the circle widened.

5. getting to know each other game- everyone takes off one show and sets it before them in the circle. Someone stands in the center of the circle and says, "My name is (name), and I (true statement)" ....and then everyone else, for whom this statement is true, has to run thru the center of the circle and quickly try to find another shoe to stand out. Ultimately, one person is "out" and then must be in the center to make their own statement. I was fairly successful at this game- esp. since half the statements weren't anything I even understood because they were English specific!

6. "Yes Lets!" and "no, lets not."- teams of 2, partners A and B. Partner A must suggest, enthusiastically, activities for them to do. Partner A may offer anything he/ she wishes. Partner B MUST respond with, "yes, lets!"- no matter that. Then switch. Then the game repeats itself with the set dialogue as, "no. let's not" This exercises is to demonstrate the traps of improve- and how if someone is always saying no to someone else, the scene goes no where or really has to be fought for. I LOVED this activity- especially being partner B in "yes, lets!" and partner A in, "no, lets not." I felt really bad when I had to shoot down partner A's ideas, and I found myself trying to justify reasons, in my head, for saying no.

7. story telling- partnering up, on our backs on the floor with heads side by side (facing opposite directions) and taking turns creating a descriptive story. It was very interesting to see the story telling shift from leaving the other person "hanging" on difficult or decision-making parts to working together to advance the story, and almost matching up completely with where the other person directed it to go. My story turned out to be very realistic and sweet- with a life lesson attached. I am a nerd.

Perhaps the most interesting exercises of the day was when he had us split into groups and develop a story we could tell by using only sound. The guide was this- create an environment either real or imaginary, without using words, 2 mins long, and an event must take place during it.  I had NO IDEA how to do this or what to do when we began. My group came up with a story completely void of any help or suggestions from me, but as we began working on putting it together, I found that I started contributing more and more until, finally, I seemed to be the "musical director" of my group's piece- making sure the timing wasn't rushed, that everyone knew their cues, and even contributing to the story itself. I went from contributing zero to 100% from the start to finish. Our group's was one of the 2 best, I think. We did a child's nightmare- beginning with a mother tucking her child in, kissing her good night and leaving the room, door closing behind her. The child yawns, murmers, falls asleep. The clock tick tocks in the corner of the room. The wind starts rustling. A muffled tv plays from downstairs. a storm begins slowly (snapping fingers, into banging the floor). things crash. werewolves howl. a witch cackles... finally the child screams, waking up, and runs out of the room. Nothing is left but the tick of the clock. tick tock tick tock... We presented it to the class by making them sit in the center of the room, as if they were each the child in our nightmare. When it was my turn to sit in the center while other groups presented, I closed my eyes and was amazed at how fully sound can tell a story. Almost every scene was moving.

At the end of a long, successful day, people divided and went separate ways- some to the river BBQ for freshers week, some home and Tegan, Candra and I over to Ros' house for coffee (v. strong, v. delicious!), chocolates, hippie tea and eventually frozen pizza (which was much more delicious than the pizza in town Friday night!) and salad. Ros was so generous to host us and feed us, and I was thrilled to have an opportunity to spend some time with her, as she has become one of my favorite MA girls in the last few days. She is so grounded and smart and down to earth. I'm hoping it will rub off on me! *grin* We played great music (she let me borrow a few cds- Pink Floyd's The Division Bell, King's of Leon's Only By Night, Arctic Monkeys' Whatever People Say I am, That' What I am Not and Stereophonics' Word gets Around), talked about wonderful books, read poetry and worked on our homework assignment, "Haikus" for Wednesday. It was a wonderful, wonderful time!

It's bedtime. Another long day tomorrow- who knows what is in store- improv was mentioned. I typically would be dreading that! This time, I'm actually looking forward to it. But for now... good night!

With Love (and apologies for this being so lengthy- thanks for hanging in there!),


Saturday 19 September 2009

8. Getting to know you

September 19, 2009

I didn't write yesterday, because after a very long day of registration pt. 2, I had a dr. appointment and then dinner, London planning and a Haunted Guildford walk. By the time I got home, it was v. late, I was v. tired and I was a little tipsy from red wine.

At 8:30am, I somehow managed to make my way to GSA to talk to Jo in the finance office about why there was no paper work for me on Thursday- and the status of my loans (which I had checked on the night before, and the payments have been verified with the first installment disbursed). She was v. friendly and apologlized for my having to wake up early, and when we were finished, I made my way to Starbucks for oatmeal- or porridge- as they call it. While sitting there enjoying my oatmeal very much (as they steam milk into it, which is delicious!), Charlotte rang me to say she and Tegan were 2 mins from my door to pick me up and walk the rest of the way together. We met about 10mins later on the High St., and I was so happy to already be walking to school with new friends who are such cool girls.

The day was v. long and v. boring. Mostly, we had talks about the Student Union, Campus safety and scheduling (which, btw, is SO CONFUSING we were all a little panicked about learning this system! Why can't everything be the same each week?!!?) The highlight of the day was the fire code talk from someone connected with the University, because he began and ended it with making balloon animals for us. I got a pink elephant, and I cannot tell you what I've named him fo fear it will incriminate me. *smile* Charlotte though mine was so cute that she wanted one too, but because there were no more pink balloons, hers is yellow... and I'm guessing she didn't name it. I'm a nerd.

The campus doctor's facility is very nice. I talked with a nurse about the possibility of a menegitis C vaccination; however, she tells me one only needs the injection once in a lifetime, and if I've had it as a kid, I don't need it again. I can't imagine that I didnt have it as a child...

Here's where it gets fun. At 6:15pm I met my 2 au pair friends, Lieke and Josefina under the Guildhall clock for dinner and the Haunted Guildford walk we'd been looking forward to all week. Josefina had a coupon for a pizza place on the high st.- 2 pizzas for ten pounds, so we set off. We are NOT in New York. The pizza place was v. nice; the pizza itself was v. mediocre. One noteworthy mention- the English put EGG on their pizza. How bizarre is that? EGG! We decided to make one of our pizzas experimental and try it the English way because we are, afterall, in England. The verdict? We'll pass next time.

At 8pm we met in front of Trinity church. The church bells tolled, the sky was black, and we were already terrified. The man who leads the tour suddenly appeared on the steps and silently motioned for us to step forward. He was really convincingly creepy until he opened his mouth and began yelling orders at us. His character choice was to be a creepy, ghost hunter who heard voices in his head telling him to kill the members of the tour group and who could- at any moment and seemingly without cause- switch from being childlike and fun to mean and scary. He told lots of jokes. He used lot of props. The information he shared was convincing and some of it was def. creepy- stories of people seeing a young girl in a local pub, ghosts of the castle, cries coming from a shop at night... We walked through St. Mary's graveyard, which was scary in itself. Overall, however, I would have enjoyed it much more and been much more terrified had he not been so silly.

After the tour, the girls and I got drinks at the friars pub- apparently haunted and visibly a popular hangout. We had a wonderful time getting to know each other better- talking about what our countries are like, talking about dating and drinking stories and travel... sharing pictures of the kids in our lives... planning London... It was at this time that I realised how amazing this experience is going to be socially. I'm learning so much about other parts of the world and their culture and ways of living, and it's really exciting. I may even have the opportunity to visit Finland and The Netherlands with these girls sometime this year. Having international friends is wonderful, and I feel pretty incredibly lucky! At 11pm I headed home- thoroughly exhausted from my day and having thoroughly enjoyed my night with my new friends. AND- looking forward to next Saturday night's dinner and sleepover at Lieke's, where we will watch a scary movie (made esp. scary by her creepy old house!) and The Wizard Of OZ, because Josefina has never seen it and that is unacceptable in this life.

This morning Charlotte, Tegan and I walked to town to get food for tomorrow's brunch- which has 6 confirmed guests, with possibly 4 more coming too. Because English pancakes are apparently thin and nothing like real pancakes, there is no pancake mix to be found here. Tegan and I are, instead, making our own with a recipe she found on-line. But, pancake making is not without a glitch. Maple syrup has presented a problem for us and the problem is this. IT"S FREAKIN EXPENSIVE HERE!!! You can't find it for under 5 pounds, which maybe we've gotten hung up on it, but it seems outrageously expensive. So, as of now, we do not have syrup for our pancakes in the morning. EEK! Nutella may be the only option.

Later in the day, I texted a fellow MA Actress to see if she was around, and we ended up spending about 3hrs. together in town. Pamela is Scottish, and before today I had hardly spoken to her at all, although I thought I would like her. I am so happy we got to know each other a little today, because she has a terrific accent. No, just kidding. I'm really happy we got to know each other a little today because she is a great girl. She is turning 26yrs. in a week, she has an older sister, and she has a BA in zoology- which is so neat! We shared audition stories, and apparently she had auditioned for GSA a few years ago and not gotten in. She only recently began acting professionally- doing children's theatre and supporting herself through it, solely. She is down to earth, interesting, and seems like a good person. We went on a crazed mission to find towels (success!), tuppuware (failed), a re-usable water bottle (failed) and groceries (success!). We also walked around the farmers market and found these delicious gourmet mini cupcakes these 2 friendly women bake, and Pamela bought some for tomorrow. YAY! carrot cake, red velvet, chocolate, plain, tropical (which has bananna and coconut in the batter-mmmm). The women liked us so much that they threw in a box of the giant ones too. *grin*

Tonight I made myself dinner- fish tacos with fajita grilled peppers and onions (chopping it made me CRY and my nose run like crazy!) and fresh tomato. DELICIOUS! I feel a little guilty for not being more sociable and hanging out with other MAs, but I really value my alone time and down time, and I know that I'll be seeing tons of them v. v. soon. Besides, I need to save money!

Off for a cup of tea.

With Love,