Sunday 13 September 2009

1. Beginning.

September 9, 2009

I am the luckiest girl in the world. Ok, v. broad statement, but I do live only a short walk from a castle and my back patio almost sits on the river Thames. Not bad for a starving artist who is about to incure debt for the first time in her life. 

I'm at the end of my second day in England. Guildford, to be exact. In Surrey. I have been, somewhat, ongoingly discontent with much of what comes with being an actress in New York City and have now moved myself across oceans with hopes to recoincile that. I'll be starting Guildford School of Acting (GSA) in less than a week, obtaining my MA in a year and after that- it's anybody's guess. 

To be completely honest, I really do love NY and my life there. NY is the most "miss-able" place I've ever been. And it's been good to me. For the record, I still love musical theatre. A lot. But I dislike the "game" of the business and am growing restless in the world of musical theatre. I am, everyday, nearing the time in my life where I will be faced with decisions about family and children and love and home and "stability" (what is that???), and I'm desperately seeking other avenues to pursue before that time comes- both to have more accomplishments and talents to draw on in my future and, especially, to have as much life experience as a young free woman can possibly have. 

So, I have found and been generously (financially speaking!) accepted into one of the best arts schools in England, as an actor, where I will receive thorough training in both classical and contemporary theatre, film, stage combat, mask work, mime, dialect, speech and movement... to name a few! And earn my MA degree upon completion of my course. September to September. 

The possibilities are endless. I'm thrilled and scared. Part of me can't wait to start, the other part of me wants to be on permanant vacation in this charming, historical town and spend every day enjoying wine and cheese on my patio, overlooking the river Thames. I'm eager to learn. I will grow immensely. I will not be the same person I am. 

Why England? Many reasons. For the incredible life experience while I am free and able to have it. Because many industry professionals view English actors and training as superior to that in the U.S. It will, at least, be a valuable addition to my resume. To earn my MA degree. And because it began as a whim- and doors kept flying open. 

My goals are these.  To learn everything I possibly can. To remember why I'm here, and not compare myself to others or care to be the best. To have an enriched, expanded view of life. To earn my MA degree. To grow as a person and an actress. To explore my darker side. To leave with more opportunity ahead of me. To trust. 

...and to be a movie star. Really. 

 I really am so blessed. I feel so much wealthier than I am- because most people I know only dream about living and studying in Europe. I am wealthy. I have family and friends who love and support me; encourage and pray for me.*

I invite you to experience my year with me. I will try to remain candid and interesting, but I promise to remain honest. I don't know what's ahead, but I have peace about not knowing. There is freedom in that which I've never allowed myself to fully experience before. 

With love, 

*** Thank You

California Community Foundation
Carol and Jim
Deborah and Errol
Donna Lynn

...and to all of my family and friends for their support and prayers! I love you!

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