Sunday 13 September 2009

2. Arrival safe& sound... and the first few days.

September 11, 2009

It's the start of my fourth day in Guildford, and it looks like a beautiful one. I'm warm from the sun shining in my window, fighting it's way past the thick wooden blinds I have drawn.

Arriving at 7:30am on Tuesday September 8, I was certain I would have a period of sadness, longing and withdrawl from everyone I love in the states. But from the moment I landed, I felt home here. My landlord, former Police force member Ian, was holing a sign for me when I stepped into baggage claim. I liked him immediately, and he was so sweet to pick me up and spend the day with me. A brief side note about Ian: he and his wife, Carmel, bought this flat I'm living in when their own daughter, Sarah, was accepted into GSA so she would have safe accomadations close to campus. Not only does it sound like their daughter and I have much in common and would be great friends, but they are perhaps two of the nicest people I've ever met. Carmel has a large basket, overflowing with fruit, and a Welcome card waiting in my new kitchen, and Ian spent the entire afternoon with me helping me get set up with my O2 cell phone and new bank account. (which, btw, is a major disappointment as I don't qualify for a student account since I'm only going to be here one year, as well as not qualifying for a young persons rail card because apparently I am no longer considered young by Britain's standards. That's depressing- not to mention inconvienent since the conversion rate is heinous and I will have v. little opportunity to travel to other parts of Europe if I can't afford the train/ plane tickets! *huge sigh*)

Moving forward... I now have an English cell phone and sim card with an English number I can't make sense of. I have learned to call the U.S. (and get 50 free mins. for International calls, per month!) so my fears of being disconnected from everyone I love are dissolved. My bank card will arrive in a few days, and despite the disappointment when I deposited nearly half of what I came over here with, I like my Barclay's bank v. much.

I've begun setting up my dollhouse bedroom. When I found and accepted this place, Carmel sent me pictures of my tiny little bedroom with my tiny little bed which truly did look like dollhouse furniture. I was prepared for the worst- and still I was excited for my glorious, centrally located flat with washing machine, large kitchen, included utilities and the patio with the river. I've been v. pleasantly surprised in this case. My room is small, but it is bigger than the photos led me to believe, and it feels much bigger. I have plenty of storage and 2 sets of mirrors (one set, full length), cute little bookshelves, a large window and lots of light. It's perfect. I've enjoyed setting it up with my art, miniature paper lanterns and numerous photo booth photo strips I've been collecting with friends- admitidly obsessively- for several months now. (BTW, if anyone knows of one in England, please let me know! *grin* I'm sick....!)

I plan to visit the Castle today, as well as St. Mary's church, which is the oldest building in Guildford- dating back to the Saxons in 1066. Incredible! And need I mention anything about the CASTLE?!?!? A CASTLE!

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. hi Hon, absolutley fabulous writing/reading so far. I'm so thrilled for you, and of course could not be prouder of your choices! Daddy xoxoxo11
