Tuesday, 15 September 2009

4. Adventuring along the "river wey," and my life without skype.

September 14, 2009

It's been a long Monday. And I may lose my internet at any moment because it's expired and rather than renew this account, we have to close this account and set up a new account (which could take who knows how long!) all because the current, now former, account is in the name of the girl who just moved out! Skype- which should make call fw. very simple and user friendly- has been little help all night, I've wasted over 2 hrs. and I'm cranky and frustrated on many levels.

On another note.... Tomorrow (or today, if you will) marks my one week anniversary of living at Walnut Tree Close in Guildford. Was it only a week ago that I got on the plane with so much trepidation and so many worries? It feels like so long ago that I caught my last glimpse of palm trees, sand and the vast beautiful Sourthern CA. oceans I love so much. And at this moment, I don't have any fear about my time here whatsoever (only about losing my internet *grrrrrr*). I am happy.

Today was an explorative, peaceful day. I went for a long walk along the river. There was so much to see- friendly swans expecting to be fed, numerous colorful boats with sweet little names (my favorite was "Content," adjective which a young teen fishing nearby mistook for content, noun. *grin*), gorgeous English countryside, bright white cotton ball clouds, buffalo wading in water.... Unfortunately, my camera died too soon into my adventure. But maybe this was a blessing, as I focused much more on experiencing the walk that I would have while photographing everything I could manage. I relaxed more.

I came to an enclosed stretch of green, where 7 horses, including 2 young colts, were grazing no more than 5ft. from where I stood watching them. The colts were precious, munching away as greedily and steadily as they could. I so desperatly wanted to touch them, that I actually fantasized the scenerio of hopping the fence and riding one bareback into the open fields, but the thought of being arrested and charged in a foreign country quickly snapped me into reality again. I did, however, manage to pick a few blackberries from a nearby bush and I held them in my palm, stretched out my arm to the horse in front of me and- success! She came right up to me, ate them happily and let me pet her for a few moments before returning to her sweet grass. It was heaven! I resolved right there to come back tomorrow with apples for them, in hopes of making friends and petting them some more. *grin*

On the walk back towards Walnut Tree Close, I spotted a little brook opporite the river, with a little bridge, which triggered Gill's words about the old ruined church in my head. I took a detour up a big hill, passing quaint little homes, and as I rounded the corner at the top, I saw it. St. Catherine's church- or what's left of it- sitting on the top of another large hill. This second hill was more difficult to climb that the first, and I was ashamed to be huffing and puffing half way up. What I saw when I reached the top took my breath away.

The view is a spectacular one of the town below. It was quiet and peaceful and serene and...! It's one of the most romantic places I have every been to, and I daydreamed for a minute about taking my loved ones to see it when they visit me throughout the year.  Maybe when I return tomorrow to feed the horses, I will pack a lunch for myself and eat it on top of this hill, while reading Eat Pray Love for the 3rd time. (If you have not read this life changing book by Elizabeth Gilbert, run to your nearest bookstore!)

After my walk, I came home for a long hot bubble bath. We have one of those big old fashioned tubs that fills so full with water my body is almost entirely submerged in it. I love it! After my bath, I ventured in to town to get some groceries and on my way home, passed Tom in the street. It was my first "street recognition" moment, and it gave me a little rush- knowing that this is my life now. Similar to the feeling I still get every time I run into someone in the middle of NY's bustle.

Later in the evening, Tom and I went out for Indian food and to get to know each other a little better. Let me just say that I have hit the jackpot with these boys! Both Tom and Roger are as sweet as can be, super fun to spend time with, quite mature and down to earth... as well as have excellent tastes in music (minus the rap- sorry Tom!) and great senses of humor. If I have to do a few more dishes on occasion to have a drama-free, relaxed home engery, I am more than ok with it. Besides, "there are times I actually enjoy cleaning" (10pts for whoever knows that quote).

I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight for fear of waking up without internet. Without Skype! What did people do so far away from home before there was skype? How can I now live without it, even for a day? There is no life without skype! *sigh* Keep your fingers crossed for us here- that it may get sorted out soon! ;)

Good night and With Love,


  1. 0 comments indeed!! Well here's mine...another brilliant read for me, personally. This blog is going to be so great!!! I know the quote, deserve the 10 pts., but alas cannot remember where it's from. Do I still win? xoxo keep on blogging-Daddy

  2. ok, not a big surprise, it's me again. I'm just amazed and enjoying all these blogs again. WHERE are all the many other reader's comments? I feel I'm almost there, will be soon, and will know what to expect--well, sort of:) another liberal round of x's and o's...keep on writing and LIVING!
