Tuesday 15 September 2009

5. the First Rainy Day... I am officially English!

September 15, 2009

It's been raining all day. ALL day. And not only is it official- I live in dreary rainy England- but the title of this blog is legitimized now as well, as I purchased an authentic pair of wellies today. Wellies are quite a hot commodity here and there is no lack of variety. In my search for the perfect wellies, I found several different brands, styles, patterns and colors. They even make Welly socks which claim to be "the ultimate (welly) accessory." I admit that the soft fleece "bootie" feels mighty cozy on my little feet.

After much diliberation (I've been scouting them since I arrived last Tuesday), I decided on purple Hunter wellies and white fleece socks. I pause here to thank my friends who helped me select them from my facebook photo album. While I know most of you voted grey (since I was leaning towards them or navy), both my best friend Heather and dear friend Ivan suggested I chose purple- a fun color they think reflects my personality. My mom confirmed it (because who makes a move without consulting mom?), and it was settled. I love them! And, as it hasn't stopped raining all day and most likely will continue the rest of the week, they will certainly be worth every penny.

Since my plans to return to my horses and have a lazy day reading on the hill were thwarted, I had mainly a day of home improvement here. I re-hung my cork board on my door (which Roger described as "like art!" with all my jewelry hanging on the push pins- this caused it to be v. heavy and fall multiple times relying on the stickies only), re-strung one of my paper lanterns to hang longer, cooked a little, drank a little wine, did lots of dishes (of course!)...  I also got in touch with Tegan, the only other American joining the MA program here at GSA this year. We tentatively are meeting tomorrow for coffee and a walk around town. It will be nice to meet a fellow American here, although I'm not sure how much we will see of each other once our seperate programs begin- I hear MA schedules get really busy!

...It's still raining. I'm kind of enjoying it... and that is very unlike me! I have my window open; it smells wonderful.

On the internet front, Roger mentioned it's out until next Tuesday (whenever it indeed goes out, which I suspect will be midnight tonight). I am only slightly less than tortured by this. Thank goodness for my 50 free international minutes on O2, as skype's call fw. to cell phones is stil very expensive at approx. 35cents/min. *ugh*

Off for a cup of tea and some "That Girl." It reminds me of NY. *smile*

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. aw, he's just people like u and me..."he may be people but he aint nothing like u and me"! (20 pts) can"t wait for your school blogs! God bless you. xox Daddy
